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plant pests and diseases identification pdf

jan 11, 2021 Ekonom Trenčín 0

are colourless, but turn dark-orange as they develop. Available at:, where cassava is grown. threads and pupa cases that are left behind after the adult emerges. In CBSD-affected plants tuber rots begin with localised dead areas that are yellow-brown, with a cork-like appearance. eating away of the internal parts of the bean, holes in the bean and adults on the stored crop. the importance of ensuring that material used for propagation, such as corms and suckers, is virus-free. A manual on the most important pests and diseases of the major food crops grown by smallholder farmers in Africa. other virus needed for development of MLND. ‘Seed’ yam producers should always choose tubers this way. The main means of transmission is in seeds. A combination of cultural practices, such as early planting, practicing intercropping or the ‘push-pull’ system, and managing crop residues are the most. The wingspan is about 35-40 mm at its widest, point, and the body is 14-18 mm long. Groundnut rust was considered a disease of South America prior to 1970, but since then it has spread around the. Uniform planting (i.e. Brown spots appear on the foliage and produce large numbers of, spores, which are then spread by rain-splash and in wind-driven rain. The total. : Grey leaf spot of maize has emerged as a yield-limiting disease throughout USA and. This symptom is known as ‘green ear’, a distinctive feature of this disease. Flood the field as often as possible. where 50% of the world’s plantains are grown. The most reliable method of control, however, and high rainfall areas were the first to be bred. : Greater and lesser yam beetles are both important pests of yams in West Africa. Apply at planting and again every four months. East, South and Southeast Asia, East and West Africa, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Pacific islands. Clear the legume just before planting the maize, by making furrows without cultivating the land. from other types of damage. After harvest, collect and burn debris, or plough the remains into the soil. Dry rot is considered as the most devastating of all the storage diseases of yam. and destruction of crop residues after harvest. Over longer distances, both within and between. Store the grain in cool and dry conditions. There have been regular epidemics since 2002 in a number of countries. they are the same disease and should be treated as such. Sweet potato weevils can continue to cause damage during post-harvest storage. At first weeding plant a short-term food legume cover crop such as, beans, peas, mung bean or soybean as an intercrop to cover the soil. The only solutions are to: (i) keep it out in. Often the green areas have a, bubble-like (or blister-like) appearance. Tamenyo cultivar is considered promising in managing yam beetle damage in resource poor farmers' field. ( involving the destruction of the infected crop debris. ............................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................... 8, ...................................................................................................... 10. Stem and pod rot of groundnut is caused by a fungus. Great care should be taken therefore to obtain. Also, the whole plant suffers a stagnation of the growth and the leaves twist. (, of the disease are spots on leaves, stems and pods. Mole rats burrow into the soil, eating storage roots from below. Varieties with, moderate field resistance from the Namulonge breeding programme are NASPOT 1 to 6, released in 1999, and NASPOT, 11, released in 2010, with improved resistance to SPVD. hatching after about 5 days. For information on ‘tolerant’ cultivars see: for Extension Agents. This variability is important in the management of the disease because it allows the fungus to overcome the resistance in, Blast is the most serious disease of rice in West Africa, particularly in upland rice, which represents about 40% of the rice, cultivated in West and Central Africa. The yam moths develop very quickly and can cause complete loss after only one month of storage. gains. Both diseases are spread, by whiteflies and in infected planting material. Biological control of cassava green mites in Africa: impact of the predatory mite, The larvae cause the most damage by feeding on the stems and storage roots. Yield losses in pearl millet attributed to downy mildew vary with location, variety and season. 2) has been released and adopted; for instance, it is used in over 50% of the production area in Namibia. They lay eggs singly on the tender parts of plants including the, leaves, flowers, or fruit, and the eggs hatch in 3 to 5 days. Chickens, birds and wildlife may pick up the sorghum grains but will not be. Some strains of sorghum downy mildew also attack maize. quality tubers with reduced market value; (iii) a loss of edible portions, which increases the longer the yams are stored; and (iv) a loss of planting material. The reseachers find that smallholder maize fanners in Nigeria are inefficient The results of the study reveal that inefficiency declines on plots planted with hybrid seeds and for those controlled by farmers who belong to households with membership in a farmers association. The virus was first isolated and characterised from, and epidemiological analysis it is now known to be a genetically diverse potyvirus. The elimination of varieties of cassava susceptible to bacterial blight, following progressive outbreaks of the disease in. Note, the resistance of many hybrids is based on, single genes; there is always a possibility that the rust will overcome the resistance. Virginia T. Wang J, Levy M, Dunkle LD (1998) Sibling Species of Cercospora Associated with Gray Leaf Spot of Maize. If less than 30% infection, remove only part of the leaf; if more than 40% remove the entire leaf. via seed. The caterpillars drop from the plant to pupate inside a silk cocoon, 3-15 cm deep in the soil. In French it is called chenille des epis du mais, noctuelle des tomates, or ver de la capsule. Hortscience 38(3):475-476. The yellow areas from adjacent, spots often join up. Here's how you know. before black Sigatoka was identified in the 1960s, although it had probably been present in parts of Asia and the Pacific long. However, planting material can prevent the introduction of the disease to new countries and early detection. Facing an increasing unfavorable climate and seeking for alternative cash and food crops, farmers’ show an increasing interest in sesame and cowpea crops in the West African Sahel. All three, chemicals are considered to be moderately hazardous and should be used carefully. In West Africa the gall midge is a major pest in Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Mali and Sierra Leone (where it is known locally. contrast, in lowland tropical areas, leaf infection is less, but blast is still serious in seedling nurseries and on panicles. as yabas leaf). Host plants include beans, cowpeas and other legumes like lablab and kudzu. Outbreaks were recently reported from Mozambique (2013) and Jordan (2014). Oospores can survive from a few, months up to 10 years, depending on variety, of oospores present in soil is related to number of plants with disease at three months. There are three key findings: (i) tradability matters for price transmission, but tradability. stunting and severe loss of pod yield. As the disease develops, the characteristic thick white cottony fungus grows above, ground, and round to oval, 0.5-2 mm, tan to brown sclerotia develop in it. It is rare for such infections to become systemic and their overall impact on production is small. There are four stages in the life cycle: egg, pupae, larva and the adult moth. Surveys sampling tubers in markets across the yam belt have shown that highest, : There are at least four viruses infecting edible yams in West Africa, of which yam, As there is evidence of different strains of yam mosaic virus, and the unrestricted movement of, . original packaging. The midge is spread between countries and regions by the transport of sorghum grain, FSA 2066., the stem of the plant feeding on the internal tissues and causing the plant to weaken. In severe infections leaves fall off while tubers continue to show no obvious symptoms. Note that continuous maize, and no tillage or, Cercospora zeae-maydis & Cercospora zeina, Maize growing in Zambia showing symptoms of grey, Spots join together resulting in long grey streaks and, reduced tillage, are high-risk practices, creating conditions for disease development; this is because of the amount of. Many plant diseases can quickly return if the dead plant matter isn’t properly disposed of. The disease. present in Burundi, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, T. also present in several countries, notably South Africa and the coastal regions of Kenya. In the Philippines, yield losses of susceptible varieties may reach 23% in the wet season, 7% in the dry, In Africa, it was first reported in the 1970s, but it is only more recently that it has become a serious disease, particularly, of irrigated rice in the Sahel. Plants with chlorotic rosette have bright yellow leaves, except for small parts that remain green; these are known as, ‘green islands’. Manual seed cleaning, to remove plant debris, will prevent carry-over of the fungus and should be encouraged, given the. Plant Pathology 58(2): 390. Feeding signs on setts and tubers leaving small round holes, 1-2 cm deep. Dasyses rugosella, Euzopherodes vapidella and Erechthias minuscula, West Africa. (, Eni AO, Hughes J d’A, Rey MEC (2008) Survey of the incidence and distribution of five viruses infecting yams in the major yam-, producing zones in Benin. that produce dark spots on leaves, petioles, stems and fruit. Early planting of sorghum will limit the spread of the disease through reduced availability of wind-borne conidia. All cowpea viruses will affect the growth and development of the plant though not all pose a serious threat. life cycle: Eggs are 0.5 mm long, laid singly in rows and groups, and take 3.5 days to hatch. The effects on young children and during pregnancy are. Plant Pest and Disease Programs PPQ responds to many new introductions of plant pests to eradicate, suppress, or contain them through various programs in cooperation with state departments of agriculture and other government agencies. Use clean planting material, preferably from disease-free certified plants. Management relies on crop rotation, weeding to. These, symptoms can be confused with cassava mosaic virus, but cassava mosaic virus causes larger greenish-yellowish, patches and leaf distortion. Adults lay eggs on the outside of ripening pods and the larvae bore into the seeds and feed. The first stages of mottling are similar to maize streak virus, but thereafter the two diseases are. In addition, synchronous planting, i.e. Y, are one of the most important crops in West Africa, providing a source of carbohydrates and income. Locally, contaminated sacks and lorries) and by adult beetles flying from one location to another, Plantwise Knowledge Bank, FAO: A guide for marketing maize for extension officers http://www, worldwide, including cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables. In general, temperatures of 25-34°C and relative humidity of over 70% favour the disease. If these are not. intercropping with other legumes and cereals, and crop rotation. bacteria-like phytoplasmas in South America, the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, and the South Pacific. Applying nitrogen, either a commercial product or manure or compost, enhances the crops tolerance to an attack. mat. Impact depends on when the eight or nine leaves above the ear become infected, and the, amount of disease that develops on them, as these determine 70-90% of the yield: the earlier the infection sets in, the, greater the yield loss. Eliminate crop residues as soon as possible after. Particular attention should be given to training. main host is the common bean (snap or French bean), Plants grown from infected seed develop spots on the cotyledons (the first leaves) which then produce spores to infect. Discoloured areas have a clearly defined boundary corresponding to leaf veins. Many wild grasses are also hosts, B. fusca is more common at high altitudes (above 1000m), and Chilo and Sesamia species at lower altitudes (below, 1500m). This, should be standard practice by all smallholders, not only to remove anthracnose infections, but also rots caused by, During crop growth, remove weeds that may be alternative hosts, but avoid moving through the crop when the foliage is. Bacterial diseases of dry edible beans in, the Central High Plains. Cowpea mottle virus occurs in West Africa and cowpea mild mottle virus in East Africa also, but little information about. Avoid areas where there is shade from trees. If the disease is severe, spots occur on. therefore the pest is often protected from chemical sprays. life cycle: Eggs are elliptical and about 0.8 mm long. Varieties that grow and develop roots near the soil surface are more likely to create cracks in the soils where the weevils, Plant early in the season, or early-maturing varieties, so that harvest can be completed before the dry season when the, Build up the soil around the base of the plant with a hoe to create a small hill or mound and re-ridge about 30 days after, planting. drought can lead to an increase in the population of mites and further reduced yields. • The time between the reporting of a disease / insect and its identification as an emergency These are rarely affected by the disease, although yields are poor in comparison to the potential, yields of susceptible varieties. If damage to the stems is detected, dig up the roots of a few plants, and inspect the surface of the roots for deep feeding punctures and cavities plugged with frass, and inspect the tunnels, being conducted to study the use of pheromones for mass trapping in East Africa. fungus will not remain alive in old vines or in the soil, but will survive on volunteer plants (those that are self-seeded). IITA. Use seed that is certified free from virus infection, or from an approved source. Fungus Gnat. Along with the increase of human population numbers, demand for food products is growing daily, which gives greater significance to knowledge and prevention of plant diseases. Both, present on maize without producing moulds or other visible symptoms. of the arable savannah region, resulting in losses of up to US$13 billion per annum. Prolonged periods of. stems. Later, carpet of dead blackened leaves over the soil. to use without training. 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